EMA Regulation of Cell and Gene Therapies (CGTs)

EMA Regulation of Cell and Gene Therapies (CGTs)

Cell and Gene Therapy products and other Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) have to comply with European Medicines Agency (EMA) legislation at different stages of the development process, including Good clinical practice (GCP), Good manufacturing practice (GMP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) requirements. Potential new Cell and Gene Therapies or Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products firstly require laboratory tests and clinical trials to evaluate their benefits and side effects. Understanding the EU legal and regulatory framework, providing details of the benefits and risks of the products and obtaining approval from regulatory authorities for their use is therefore essential to providing the best possible treatments for end users. So this article will cover the basic EMA regulation of Cell and Gene Therapies (CGTs).

Research and development of Cell and Gene Therapies:

Tissue procurement, CMC and GMP manufacturing:

Marketing authorisation and Post-authorisation (Pharmacovigilance for ATMPs):


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