Audits of CDMOs and Contract Testing Laboratories

Using our expert technical and quality auditors, HiTech Health can perform due diligence and compliance audits of your key manufacturer, supplier or contract testing service to EU/FDA GMP standards.

Compliance Audits and Technical Transfer


A cornerstone of HiTech Health is our GMP experience and expertise in GMP regulations, specifically in CGT products. Ensuring that your CDMO or key contract testing laboratories are at the standard required for product approval is critical. HiTech Health can perform audits to assess the GMP compliance of your contractors and can work with your contracted partners to implement effective remediation and corrective and preventative actions to ensure CDMOs operate optimally and to client expectations.

EU and US Site Audits


Our flexible team can travel to your CDMO/Contract testing laboratory sites and conduct due diligence and compliance audits to both EU and FDA GMP standards.

Contact us

Get in touch anytime – we are always available to discuss your upcoming projects.