CGT Training

One of the biggest bottlenecks in the CGT space is finding the right people. HiTech Health offers a unique range of personalised hands-on training in CGT at our GMP-ready Process Development laboratory.

CGT Training under GMP conditions


We can train your personnel on all aspects of CGT, from tissue procurement and isolation techniques, cell culturing and scale up, cell counting, cryopreservation techniques, as well as other quality control assays and cleanroom behaviour. We have access to many different types of starting tissues for CGT and have these procured for your specific needs and training. As well as having experts in the CGT space, we also have a team of trainers focused on the GMP aspects and this can help your team get trained on your manufacturing process within a cleanroom environment.

On-Site Training


Training can be personalised to your manufacturing needs and if preferred, our experts can travel to your manufacturing site and perform training there. We can offer hands-on cleanroom behaviour training as well as aseptic practices and can do a gap analysis for the client to see where improvement or modifications are needed. A core training module also delivered by our experts is GMP training and the GMP requirements needed by operators. Whatever your training needs are, HiTech Health are here to help and train your staff.

2023 ATMP Review

The Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products (ATMPs) sector is evolving rapidly and new products have already demonstrated the ability to reverse or significantly impact the progression of disease. In recent years, the advent of cell and gene therapies has shown the...

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